Wednesday, May 30, 2007

jeudi journal de performance


Dans ce travail de la photographie je cherche plutot a mettre en place un dialogue entre mon corps et l'espace. Dialogue et regard - questionner l'espace en tenant compte de l'histoire du lieu de l'espace, des objet, d' images et des codes de la ville. je me pose la question du corps; le rapport qui est entre le corps et les objet dans l'espace ce corps qui souffre qui subit qui est manipulé et qui cherche à donnée une reponse dans la societé qui l' interroge.

C'est un dialogue qui doit s'etablir entre le corps dans un autre territoire qui n'est pas le leur. Pour dévellopé un travail croisé entre la photographie et la performance ainsi que les arts visuels.

1 comment:

carole said...

In this photoghraphc work i try to set up a dialogue between my body and the space/the place; through this dialogue and interaction with/looking at the city and its spaces, i'd like to pose questions that take into account both the history and the current codes of the city; i question 'the body': for me the relationship between body and space is often determined by suffering, by being subjeted to, being manipulated: the choice lies in interrogating these social and spacial interstices, searching for an answer that is my own; in focussing on the movement of the body, and its relation to space (the city), i try to find viable questions that concerns the understanding of society - the relation between kin and jhb ...

my aim is to establish a dialogue where photography and performance meet and to question the territories that define my body, myself and the surrounds.